Gwenny S.
Gwenny S.
- Doświadczenie: 1 rok
- Wykszałcenie: Wyższe, University of Journalism Utrecht (Newspapers / Internet / Radio)
- Zajęcia prowadzę: Wrocław Fabryczna, Pracuję u siebie na miejscu · Mogę dojechać w odległości 20 km
- Wynagrodzenie: od 40 zł za godzinę
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Informacje o wykształceniu
Nazywam się Gwenny Somberg, jestem dziennikarka korespondent w Polska, na zlecenie holenderskie mediów radia mediów Mam 25 lat i pracymieszkam we Wrocławiu.
As you can see Im still learning the Polish language, so the rest of this entry will be in English. Im a native Dutch speaker, I was born and raised in Holland and lived in the cities of Almelo and Utrecht until I turned 25. Then I graduated at the University of Journalism. I received my Bachelor degree and moved to Poland to start working as a freelance journalistcorrespondent for different kinds of Dutch media: newspapers, magazines and radio.
Since my Polish is not good enough yet, I wont be able to teach you from your native language. My English is excellent so in combination with my basic Polish I will be able to learn you the beautiful Dutch language. Since Ive been making radio for years now Im sure I can teach a perfect Dutch pronunciation , without any accent at all.
Since Im working as a freelancer I can create my own work schedule, so on whatever part of the day you would like to plan your lessons I could be available to teach you. except for nights
I can teach Dutch lessons for beginners, intermediates and experts. If you want I can come to your house for practice, we could also find a good spot somewhere in the centre or via Skype. I will provide you with different sorts of study material which will be included in the price per hour.
Are you interested in taking Dutch private lessons Please send me a message and Ill get back to you as soon as possible.
Groetjes Pozdrowienia Greetings